

Birth is constant and death is constant. These two constants happen in everyone's life. When constant changes it becomes intermittent and irregular.

Intermittent and irregular things happen to all of us between the constants and that is called life. There have been many things that have happened to all of us. Many of them were good, and those are the memories that should be the only things in the forefront of our minds. Unfortunately, there were also the many tragedies that happen in all of our lives and people think they should just forget them; as it were, out of sight out of mind.

Wouldn't that be nice if they were wrapped in neat little packages of good and bad? If that were the case then life would be good. The intermittent cycles of life would be in neat and self-contained packs.  Life isn't like that though. The bad things in life are not ever wrapped in neat little packages. Unfortunately, the bad always contaminate the good and the owner spends a lifetime trying to clean up the contamination.

That is what makes everyone's life a saga. Each of us could write a story about our own lives. They would all be different, very interesting, and no two stories would end the same. At the same time, that other constant is the end of the line for everyone.

This word came for a prompt on my WordPress website. Sometimes a writer has difficulty thinking of something to write about or needs to think in a different direction. These one-word prompts help to start them on their way to new ideas or get writing again. I have used prompts myself for both reasons and have been thankful for them. I am going to make a section just for the short articles on the one-word prompts. I don't use them every day, but I do use them.


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